Eight Precepts Administered by the
Ven. Mahāsī Sayādawgyī
Sammappaddāna Buddhist Meditation Centre (Macau, China)
目录 Contents
1.忏悔发愿文(马哈希传承版) – Repentance & Aspiration (Mahasi version) 1
2.八戒请戒文 – Request for Eight Precepts 3
3.三皈依及八戒文 – Three Refuges & Eight Precepts 4
4.受戒后回向- Dedication after Taken Precepts 7
- 马哈希大师亲授八关斋戒 Eight precepts administered by Mahasi Sayadawgyi
- 马哈希大师《吉祥经.慈经》等念诵.Mahasi Sayadawgyi – Mangala Sutta, Karaniya Sutta etc. Chants
3. 原开示档 Full original talk:
4. 国内同修观看「马哈希大师亲授八关斋戒」视频网址:
1. 喔嘎哒.喔嘎哒.喔嘎哒.嘎丫甘.哇悉甘.慢诺甘.的护多.阿撇卡丁.帕标粘锐.啊爹试耍.阿哪搣依.雁必建舟.沟木命咖喇.撇吧四煎.雅舟雅. (意思) 恳请!恳请!恳请!往昔我因贪嗔痴,造诸身口意恶业,为使我免离于罪报,得获长寿、解脱于诸苦和危害,并促成福德吉祥。 2. 呸呀夜但娜.爹呀夜但娜.邓咖夜但娜.的护多.夜但娜蔑东巴.瑟呀打吗都古.阿唷阿爹.列屋目锐.史库普唆.铺妙慢哩唷.咖都霸意.阿信撇呀. 我今双手合十于额前,至诚谦卑向佛、法、僧三宝(以及我的导师)敬礼。 |
Repentance & Aspiration (Mahasi Sayadaw’s version)1. Okātha, Okātha, Okātha, Kayakan, Wazikan, Manawkan, dee hu thaw, ahpyit khat thein, pah pyauk nyein ywet, athet shay swar anah met yei, yan bei khin chaung, kaung hmu mingalar pyitkpa zaychin, achoe ngha(Meaning) May I, May I, May I, for the purpose of being absolved from all consequences of wrong doings committed by bodily, verbal and mental behaviours. And for the sake of being blessed with longevity, of freedom from pain, enemy and danger.2. Phaya Yadana, Taya Yadana, Thagan Yadana, dee hu thaw, yatanar myat thone bah, hsaya thamar du go, ayo athay let oat moe ywet, shi kho puzaw, hpu hmyaw hman lyaw, kadaw bah ei, Ashin Phaya.. I place the plam of both hands together above my head and humbly bow down to pay homage to the Triple Gems, namely the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (together with my teachers.) |
(读音)阿寒 班爹 梯色拉内那 沙哈 阿汤嘎 沙满那嘎堂 乌波沙沓希郎 当芒 呀恰咪 阿怒尬航 喀驼哇 希郎 爹踏 梅 班爹 (意思)尊者,我请求受三皈依及布萨八戒,请尊者摄受,传授给我 督地央毕 阿寒 班爹 梯色拉内那 沙哈 阿汤嘎 沙满那嘎堂 乌波沙沓希郎 当芒 呀恰咪 阿怒尬航 喀驼哇 希郎 爹踏 梅 班爹 第二次.尊者,我请求受三皈依及布萨八戒,请尊者摄受,传授给我 搭地央毕 阿寒 班爹 梯色拉内那 沙哈 阿汤嘎 沙满那嘎堂 乌波沙沓希郎 当芒 呀恰咪 阿怒尬航 喀驼哇 希郎 爹踏 梅 班爹 第三次.尊者,我请求受三皈依及布萨八戒,请尊者摄受,传授给我 尊者说:请跟我念 戒子答:啊玛.班爹 (意思)是的.尊者 |
Request for Eight Precepts
Ahaṃ bhante, tisaraṇena saha aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṃ uposatha-sīlaṃ dhammaṃ yācāmi anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha me bhante Dutiyampi…Ahaṃ bhante, tisaraṇena saha aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṃ uposatha-sīlaṃ dhammaṃ yācāmi anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha me bhante For the second time, Venerable sir, I would like to request the uposatha eight precepts with refuge in the Triple Gem. Please kindly grant me the request. Tatiyampi…Ahaṃ bhante, tisaraṇena saha aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṃ uposatha-sīlaṃ dhammaṃ yācāmi anuggahaṃ katvā sīlaṃ detha me bhante For the third time, Venerable sir, I would like to request the uposatha eight precepts with refuge in the Triple Gem. Please kindly grant me the request. Teacher: Yam ahaṁ vadāmi, taṁ vadetha Follow what I say. Student: āma bhante Yes, teacher. |
三皈依 & 八戒
那眸 踏剎 跋嘎瓦多 阿拉哈多 三妈三菩达剎 (三次) 礼敬彼世尊 阿罗汉正等正觉者 卜担.沙啦霖.隔差咪 担猛.沙啦霖.隔差咪 删甘.沙啦霖.隔差咪 我皈依佛。我皈依法。我皈依僧。 督地央毕.卜担.沙啦霖.隔差咪 督地央毕.担猛.沙啦霖.隔差咪 督地央毕.删甘.沙啦霖.隔差咪 第二次我皈依佛。我皈依法。我皈依僧。 打地央毕.卜担.沙啦霖.隔差咪 打地央毕.担猛.沙啦霖.隔差咪 打地央毕.删甘.沙啦霖.隔差咪 第三次我皈依佛。我皈依法。我皈依僧。 尊者:沙啦那架吗霖.帕莉般音. 意思──(您们)授三皈依圆满。 戒子答:啊玛.班爹 (意思)是的.尊者 |
Three Refuges & Eight Precepts
Namo tassa-bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa (×3) Honour to the Blessed One, the Exalted One, the fully Enlightened One Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi I go for refuge to the Buddha I go for refuge to the Dhamma I go for refuge to the Sangha Dutiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Dutiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi For the second time, I go for refuge to the Buddha I go for refuge to the Dhamma I go for refuge to the Sangha Tatiyampi Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Tatiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi Tatiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi For the third time, I go for refuge to the Buddha I go for refuge to the Dhamma I go for refuge to the Sangha Teacher: Saraṇagamaṇaṃ paripuṇṇaṃ Teacher: The going for refuge is completed. Student: āma bhante Yes, teacher. |
1. 巴那梯怕它 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米
我持守不杀生的学习规则。 2. 阿钉那搭那 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不偷盗的学习规则。 3. 阿不拉麻恰利呀 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不淫欲的学习规则。 4. 木沙哇搭 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不妄语的学习规则。 5. 苏拉 梅拉呀 吗架 巴吗达他那 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不饮酒及麻醉品的学习规则。 6. 威咖拉播佳哪 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不非时食的学习规则。 7. 那恰 给它 哇迪塔 威苏嘎搭沙那 吗拉 甘达 威类帕那 达拉哪瞒搭那 威布沙纳塔那 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不跳舞、唱歌、听音乐、看表演、远离作为美化身体的花鬘、芳香、涂油、衣物、妆饰品的学习规则。 8. 乌恰沙呀那 吗哈沙呀那 威拉麻尼 希喀巴当 沙麻低牙米 我持守不(坐卧)高广大床的学习规则。 |
1. Pāṇātipātā veramaṇi sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi.
I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life. 2. Adinnādānā veramaṇi sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given. 3. Abrahmacariyā veramaṇi sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi. I undertake the training rule to abstain from incelibacy. 4. Musāvādā verāmaṇi sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi. I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech. 5. Surāmeraya-majja pamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇi sikkhāpadam samādiyami. I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented and distilled intoxicants which are the basis for heedlessness. 6. Vikāla-bhojanā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi 7. Nacca-gīta-vādita-visūka-dassanā mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa- 8. Uccāsayana mahāsayanā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi I undertake the training rule to abstain from high and luxurious beds and seats. |
依当 梅 喷娘 阿沙哇喀呀 哇航 喉督 愿我此功德.导向诸漏尽! 蒋诺踢.意勾牧踢.啊罗爹雅列吧.度意.普呀.普呀岸施多.灭颜.普呀岸.涅扮故.咩梭哇.吧瑟.搭.啲 愿我此功德.为涅槃道缘。 尊者:梯色拉内那...阿帕嘛甸娜.渗罢跌他 (意思)授三皈八戒已竟…… 您们当勤精进.慎勿放逸。 受戒者:阿吗.班爹 (意思)是的.尊者 洒度...洒度...洒度 善哉...善哉...善哉! |
Dedication after Taken Precepts
Idaṁ me puññaṁ āsavakkhayāvahaṁ hotu May my merit bring about the destruction of the defilements. Kyano thee, Yee Kau mu thee, a law deiya leiba du yee, punya punyam shee daw, magg-yam, punyam, nibbagu, myat sua pa sei tha thee May all the merits, be a condition for the attainment of the path to nibbana Teacher: tisaraṇena…. appamādena sampādetha Teacher: 3 refuges and 8 precepts have been completed……Strive to attain the goal by diligence. Student: āma Bhante Yes, teacher. Sādhu……Sādhu……Sādhu! Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! |